Botox Injections from U.S. Dermatology Partners

What Is Botox?

Botox, the commercial brand name for botulinum toxin (BTX), is an injectable cosmetic dermatology treatment that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

Unlike injectable wrinkle fillers, which work by filling a crease in your skin with another substance, Botox actually relaxes targeted muscles to reduce the look of lines in the face. This results in smoother skin with a more youthful appearance.

Each Botox injection relaxes key facial areas by temporarily paralyzing specific muscles. This temporarily removes wrinkles and improves the look of laugh and frown lines, skin bands on the neck, crow’s feet, forehead creases and more.

Close-up of woman receiving Botox treatment.

Botox is a quick procedure that is done in just minutes in your doctor’s office.

Although it was originally developed to treat eye muscle disorders, Botox has become popular cosmetically and this is now its primary use. In fact, Botox injections are now the most common cosmetic treatment in the U.S., with 6.3 million procedures done in 2013. Because Botox inhibits the release of certain neurotransmitters, it is also sometimes used to treat chronic migraines.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Botox?

Botox is very popular and has been used by millions of women and men around the world. Unlike other more invasive cosmetic treatments, Botox requires no surgery and recovery is immediate.

Anyone in good physical health, and without a history of neuromuscular diseases (such as multiple sclerosis), is generally a good candidate for Botox treatments. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing, or for anyone under the age of 18.

How Many Units of Botox do I Need to Treat the Forehead?

The forehead is one of the most popular application sites for Botox Cosmetic. The neurotoxin injections help to prevent the formation of new fine lines and wrinkles across the forehead as well as maintaining a smoother, tighter appearance. Each patient receives an individualized treatment plan, but your dermatologist will likely begin with the following basic suggestions:

How Many Units of Botox do I need to Treat the Area Between the Eyebrows?

The lines between the eyes, often called elevens or frown lines, are another popular application site for Botox Cosmetic. These lines can be very deeply embedded, and Botox is a great option to prevent the development of these wrinkles in the first place or halt their progress. For this reason, your dermatologist may recommend a combination of cosmetic dermatology solutions to diminish the appearance of existing wrinkles between the eyebrows followed by Botox to prevent the formation of new lines. Each person’s treatment plan will vary, but a basic Botox treatment plan to address wrinkles between the eyes usually involves:

How Many Units of Botox do I Need to Treat the Corners of My Eyes?

While your dermatologist doesn’t want to apply too much neurotoxin into the sensitive skin around the eyes, the deep lines and wrinkles may necessitate a more aggressive approach. It’s a difficult balance to strike, and determining the right number of units for Botox treatment in the area at the corners of the eyes is essential. Your dermatologist may suggest some trial treatments with lower doses to ensure you safely achieve the desired results. Each person’s Botox plan to address crow’s feet will be a little different, but a typical treatment plan may include:

How Are Botox Injections Performed?

Patient Receiving Belotero Treatment

Botox relaxes targeted muscles to reduce the look of lines and give patients a more youthful appearance.

Botox is a quick procedure that is done in just minutes in your doctor’s office. Using a fine needle to minimize swelling or bruising, your practitioner will look at the pattern of lines on your face and inject tiny amounts into the corresponding muscles. This causes the muscles to become “frozen” or immobile and prevents the appearance of wrinkles on your skin.

Are There Side Effects to Botox Injections?

Some side effects of Botox can occur, such as swelling or redness at the injection site. In some cases, it can cause flu-like symptoms, including a sore throat, runny nose, tiredness, and respiratory infections. Other short-term side effects may include anxiety, ringing in the ears, and dizziness or drowsiness. There are also risks, such as toxin effect, associated with dermal fillers being injected improperly or by people without the necessary training and qualifications. However, there has not been a confirmed case of such side effects when Botox is used correctly to treat frown lines, crow’s feet, or both.

How Long Will Botox Injections Last?

The results of each Botox session last for several months. Most patients schedule three sessions each year to maintain the desired smooth, youthful appearance. Different metabolisms may absorb Botox more quickly than others, which means you’ll need more frequent treatments to maintain the same look.

At U.S. Dermatology Partners we offer premier dermatology services for patients of all ages, including virtual dermatology visits. With our extensive network of providers throughout Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia, there’s a U.S. Dermatology Partners practice near where you live or work.

Book your appointment today to find the best Botox treatment for you and your skin.

Before and After Botox procedure.

*Results may vary by individual

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